Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Halo's Second Show, June 26, 2010

Halo's eye is doing much better this week, but it looks like she is going to have some visible scarring on the eye. Luckily it is high enough up that it shouldn't impact her vision. I will try to get some pictures over this coming weekend.

Here is another very belated update. These pictures are from our second show in June. There wasn't a lot of improvement between the first and second shows, but that is because I wasn't riding enough, and also wasn't taking lessons. I'm hoping to take more lessons over the winter so that we have a marked improvement by spring. She was still a very good girl!

Sorry about the blurry pictures - the lighting in there was bad for photography.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You guys look great - she looks particularly nice Western!